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The undesignated corona warriors

While the world was busy clapping and banging plates for the doctors and nurses, some other heroes were going unnoticed. The unsung heroes – our farmers.


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Smallholder farmers are a crucial part of the food value chain in India, as well as a critical element of the global food system. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new risks that threaten livelihoods as well as food security.

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Vegetables are the new gold.After we venture out to buy them, mask and gloves on, we (hopefully) return triumphant, our bags bulging with carrots, beans, and tomatoes. As there is a limit to how much we can stock up on vegetables, it is inevitable that grocery stores have a steady stream of customers every day, as people balance keeping their families fed and following social distancing rules. Fortunately, despite the panic buying, shelves are kept reasonably well-stocked thanks to our farmers, supplying freshly-harvested fruits and vegetables every day. They are among the heroes of this pandemic.

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